Hi everyone, before I begin I would like to apologize for not posting last night.
Plato's Republic, thus far, I think has shown how taking Socrates all of the time could be extremely dangerous. Socrates, while he does pursue arguments to uncomfortable places, has said some fairly terrible things in the Republic. Though I do not want to think these are the ideas that Plato is truly promoting, I find it hard to believe that they are not because of how well thought out this all seems. Though Socrates says that they are only being a theoretical city, could he be hoping that sometime in the future a city like this could actually exist? It seems to me that Plato is far too smart to have thought the world would remain a static place forever. Even as we have discussed in class, technology, such as ships was advancing in Athens and maybe he thought that advances in technology of warfare and transportation would make a city like his possible. I probably did not explain this too well so please destroy everything I just said.
It would help to hear what things the dialogue has raised that you think are fairly terrible (and perhaps to attempt at least an initial charitable reading of them)...